Diversity, equity & inclusion

We’re committed to the work to ensure care is accessible, meaningful and culturally responsive.

You’ll never be excluded due to your identity

Since Face It TOGETHER’s founding in 2009, it’s been our goal to ensure all may access compassionate, high quality addiction care. We’re committed to doing the work necessary to providing care that is accessible and culturally responsive. We recognize that we are far from perfect. We will continue to learn, adapt and make changes to meet the needs of those we serve. This important work, coupled with the understanding of shortcomings and a goal to be better, will help us take the next inclusive step.

We act in ways that build trust and we know people thrive when they feel they belong. We also know those with addiction – particularly those in other marginalized communities, such as people of color and the LGBTQIA+ community – have experienced significant shame, stigma and guilt. Our model, processes and member interactions are designed with that in mind. We want to serve as a safe, welcoming space free from judgment and stigma.

We'd love to hear from you

We’ve received feedback from those within marginalized communities about the importance of explicit language. We’ve heard it’s not enough to simply say, “We accept all.” Individuals want to see more a specific commitment when it comes to helping them, particularly if they’ve faced discrimination in other care settings. With that feedback in mind, we’ve highlighted a few groups below. This is by no means an all-inclusive list. It’s also not meant to make people feel othered or reduced to one identity, or cover all the complexities within each group. Our goal here is to let you know that we’re here to help.

We’re still learning. If you have feedback on this page, or any other content on our website, please let us know. You can reach our Director of Communications via email. Please let us know how we’re doing and if there’s anything we should consider to make our website more welcoming and inclusive. 

Photo of peer coaches Carlos and Shannon at the 2023 Sioux Falls pride event

Persons of color

We’re here to serve persons of color and individuals whose first language isn’t English in a compassionate, trauma-informed manner. People of color have been shamefully and disproportionally impacted by the failed war on drugs. We can’t do justice to that history and generational trauma here. (But we do recommend these books: Chasing the Scream, Undoing Drugs and The New Jim Crow and this racial justice definition guide from the Annie E. Casey Foundation.)

Photo of Face It TOGETHER logo with LGBTQIA+ pride flag and confetti

LGBTQIA+ folks

We’re here to serve the LGBTQIA+ community, regardless of sexual orientation and/or gender identity. We understand individuals in this community may be wary of disclosing their LGBTQIA+ status to a new organization or healthcare entity, especially depending on the climate in which they live. Carlos, a former member and current coach volunteer, shared his experience in this online Q&A

Photo of coach and member with smudge bowl in Watertown, SD

Native Americans

We’re here to serve Native Americans in ways that are meaningful and holistic. We know trust, respect and community are often important in our work with Native American members. Although our coaching is offered in a one-on-one setting, which may not always be the first choice for Native Americans, we believe all our coaching members are part of something bigger. When you’re here, you’re part of the Face It TOGETHER family and community.

Photo of woman in uniform

Veterans and military service members

We’re here to serve all service members (active, reserved/national guard and retired). Those in the military are often in an environment where the disclosure of a need for help can be detrimental to employment opportunities and relationships. Zero tolerance policies, re-entry into civilian life and PTSD symptoms all have an undeniable relationship to problematic alcohol and other drug use.

Photo of Terri, addiction wellness peer coach

Formerly incarcerated individuals

We’re here to serve those who were formerly incarcerated, gang involved or otherwise justice impacted. Many of our coaches have firsthand experience with the marginalization that comes along with the criminal justice system, including Terri, who received a Governor’s Pardon for three felonies in 2014. Her story – and many others – demonstrate that someone’s past doesn’t define who they are today.

You can hear more of Terri's story on this episode of the Peace on Drugs podcast.

Meet our coaches

Our peer coaches bring a variety of life experiences to their important work. We hope reading about their backgrounds will demystify coaching, introduce their areas of expertise and demonstrate recovery is possible. If you prefer a coach within a certain community that you don’t see represented here, we hope you’ll still consider reaching out. And if you’re comfortable sharing that feedback, we’d greatly appreciate it. We’d love to know what qualities are most important to you and will keep them top-of-mind while hiring new coaches.