Video: Support after a relapse

Published Oct. 14, 2023
Lacey (she/her) has been a Face It TOGETHER peer coach since 2021. She had formerly been a coaching member; she still remembers how her coach helped her stay on the right path.
She loves being able to give back what she received from her coach.
"I want people to know it does get better even though it doesn’t seem like it," she said. "It’s OK to hate the world for a while, to cry, even the tiniest of steps moves you forward."
To hear about Lacey's struggle with her mental health and then her addiction wellness – and how she moved forward – be sure to watch the above video. She wants others to know that there are people who will rally around you, rather than judge or criticize, after a recurrence of use (or relapse). And it doesn't take away all the hard work someone did in the weeks or even years leading up to the recurrence.
"It’s OK to fall down as long as you get back up," she said. "You don’t ever run out of chances. Keep getting back up and latching on to the ones who are there for you."