Data drop: Feeling well

This month's data drop is 83%.

Face It TOGETHER (FIT) members make healthy changes in their lifestyles as they stay engaged with a peer addiction management coach. After 30 days of coaching, 83% of our members feel better than the first day they met with their coach.  

FIT requests all members complete a Risk Assessment (RA) at baseline and every 30 days while enrolled in coaching. This analysis focuses on RAs taken from Jan. 1, 2016 to Feb. 22, 2019. The cohort includes members – with the disease and loved ones – who indicated feeling “poor” or “very poor” prior to their first coaching session. Of those, it was almost evenly split between genders and most were above the age of 35.  

Asking our members how they’re feeling is a very simple way to gauge their overall wellness at any period of their engagement with us. Responses to this type of question in general conversation are typically given without much thought – “I’m doing well” or “I feel good.” 

Many people, especially those impacted by addiction, experience lengthy periods of not feeling well. They may be tired, dehydrated, depressed, isolated, stressed – the list could go on and on. It may take little changes in a person’s life to quickly change the way they feel. Some examples include getting more rest, drinking more water or talking through issues with someone who cares.  

FIT understands this feeling of overall health can change often throughout our members’ wellness journey. For this group of members, the majority (83%) indicated feeling better (responses ranged from well to very well) at 30 days than they did at the start of their time with FIT. After 60 days of engagement, 11% of the members indicated feeling worse than they did earlier. After 90 days of engagement, 80% indicate a decline; however, they are back to feeling well again after 120 days of engagement.

Chart depicting responses over time
Figure 1: “How are you feeling today?” negative baseline response compared to follow-up  

These highs and lows on the path to addiction wellness are normal. Those impacted by the disease, including loved ones, have many obstacles to overcome, from family acceptance to criminal justice involvement. FIT coaches prepare our members for these changes and help them work through individual challenges. We encourage our members to stay engaged with us until feeling well is their new normal.

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